Walking by Lamplight FAQ

🕸️🧎🏼Do I have to know less about magic than you to be your mentee?

No. This a peer-mentorship. My philosophy is this: things are easier with a team. When tracking the ephemeral, Another Mind is a hugely powerful tool.

My learning model looks less like a ladder and more like a web.

My mentees are my magical equal, AND in some ways they have something to learn from me. I believe we are all teaching each other at different moments.

We are traveling priests of different gods, meeting each other at the crossroads, visiting each others churches. You visit my church when you want access to the things I submerge myself in every day – my unique magic. 

🤷🏼 Can I do Walking By Lamplight if I have a different practice than you? 

Resounding yes. “Every man and woman is a star” - every spoke on the wheel of the crossroads leads to the center, where we meet round the fire. 

I do not teach “magical tech” as my priority in this container, so it doesn’t matter if your tools, or Gods, are different than mine. I look forward to being exposed to their mysteries, through you. 

🌟🪞Ok, if not tech, and if you’re not my “superior,” what is your role as a mentor?

Really good question. 

I’m a magick mirror. The art of reflecting someone’s spiritual journey into an apprehensible medium is both a gift and a skill- one that I have cultivated over 12 years of magical experience, and 5 years of professional practice. 

I simplify the process of seeing yourself. I remove friction, offer levity, contribute insight and inspiration. I can affirm “do I see what I think I see?”

I model both reverence and silliness when faced with the unfathomable mysteries. 

I instill confidence & dispel fear. 

Testimonial graphic: "You give your clients the tools and permission (when needed) to own their sovereignty. Like the King in you sees the King in me; and you're going to help me sit on my throne, but I have to place the crown on my own head."

Laurie, WBL 2021.

Most importantly, I always redirect you back to your own authority. I encourage connection to your gods, your guides, in your search for direction on the path. 

This clarity of vision and confidence in direction facilitates system-level shifts for my clients in the way they walk their Path.

Step onto this path with me.


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